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#Exponential vector code code
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Further our proof is really short, hinging on one key definition that is somewhat inspired by Galois theory. Our work settles a central open question concerning MSR codes that has received much attention. Previously, a lower bound of ≈ exp(√ k/ r), and a tight lower bound for a restricted class of ”optimal access” MSR codes, were known. Our main result is an almost tight lower bound showing that for an MSR code, one must have ℓ ≥ exp(Ω( k/ r)). However, they all suffer from exponentially large Sub-Packetization ℓ ≳ r k/ r. MSR codes are attractive for use in distributed storage systems, and by now a variety of ingenious constructions of MSR codes are available. This implements an optimization where the exponent is represented in base 2, and repeated squaring is used to create a list of relevant powers of the base. Such a code is called minimum storage regenerating (MSR), if any single symbol of a codeword can be recovered by downloading ℓ/ r field elements (which is known to be the least possible) from each of the other symbols. The length ℓ of each codeword symbol is called the Sub-Packetization of the code. An $(n,k,\ell)$-vector MDS code is a $\mathbb)$, and a tight lower bound for a restricted class of "optimal access" MSR codes, were known.An ( n, k,ℓ)-vector MDS code is a F-linear subspace of (F ℓ) n (for some field F) of dimension kℓ, such that any k (vector) symbols of the codeword suffice to determine the remaining r= n− k (vector) symbols.